Become a Member
HSSD Membership
By joining HSSD, you can help support our activities and projects. Membership is open to the public, regardless of location, and everyone is welcome.
Membership benefits include:
News and updatess about the activities of the Society
Regular meetings where you can share ideas and opinions about heritage and history in your community
Belonging to a like-minded community
Membership Fees:
Regular member - $15/year
Student member - $5/year
Lifetime member - $75
Add a Donation:
HSSD / Programs and Activities
Forward House Project
To become a member of Historical Society of South Dundas:
* Complete the form below
* E-transfer the membership fee to hssdtreasurer@gmail.com
* Or mail a cheque to HSSD, PO Box 555, Iroquois, ON K0E 1K0
* If you would like to add a donation, your support would be greatly appreciated!
* HSSD is a registered charitable organization recognized by the CRA (# 806234571RR0001).Tax receipts are available for donations of $20 or more.